Post-extraction Assessment of the Child's Dental Attitude Changes after Providing an Ice Cream
Karthik Nair
Keywords :
Dental attitude, Extraction, Pain
Citation Information :
Nair K. Post-extraction Assessment of the Child's Dental Attitude Changes after Providing an Ice Cream. J Health Sci Res 2019; 10 (1):11-14.
Introduction: The use of ice or cold application post-extraction manages pain, anxiety, and behavioral problems in children. The patient management skill brings out a positive attitude toward dental treatment.
Aim: The aim of the study is to identify the posttreatment alteration in the child's apprehensiveness toward dental extractions under local anesthesia (LA).
Materials and methods: A study consisting of two groups (n = 20), aged 6–8 years old children were included. Extraction was done under LA. Data were collected through a questionnaire which was given immediately after the procedure and 30 minutes later after giving an ice cream.
Result: In the present study, the results were statistically significant as 80–90% of the children in the study group who received ice cream felt less pain, discomfort, and apprehension than 50% of the children who did not receive an ice cream.
Conclusion: Reinforcement techniques have always provided a positive influence on the child's response to any dental procedures.
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