An interrelationship between orthodontist and the periodontist is necessary under various conditions. One of the most important aspects in which both parties must come upon agreement for the need of corticotomy is case selection. During orthodontic treatment, several types of malocclusion can be treated by altering the balance between apposition and resorption through selectively injuring the cortical plate of the alveolus which accelerates tooth movement, thereby reducing the risk of extraction and providing long-term stability support; such type of treatment plan is referred to as periodontally accelerated osteogenic orthodontics. This procedure involves selective alveolar decortications, placement of bone grafting material, along with application of orthodontic force. There are different types of corticotomy procedures such as circumscribed, triangular, and indentation, where each technique differs from each other based on their indication, contraindication, and limitations. Placement of bioabsorbable grafting material over the decortications site should be carried out at utmost care and followed by suturing the flap to a final position. After 1 or 2 weeks, orthodontic tooth movement begins.
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