Citation Information :
Kesavan R, Mary AV. A Rare Case of Multiple Compound Odontomas Impeding the Eruption of Right Upper Permanent Central Incisor: A Case Report. J Health Sci Res 2018; 9 (2):57-60.
Odontomas are developmental anomalies consequential from the advancement of fully distinguished epithelial and mesenchymal cells which develop into odontoblast and ameloblast. These are common odontogenic tumors fundamentally made up of enamel, dentin, and capricious quantities of cementum and pulp material. They can cause expansion and resorption of adjacent bone but does not invade neighboring tissue which renders them treatable by curettage along with conservative surgical removal. In the present article, we report a case of rare multiple compound odontomas which obstructs the eruption of the permanent incisor. The lesion is completely removed, and the patient was asked to report after three months. According to scientific literature, odontomas which are completely removed does not relapse, but close observation is essential in young children to prevent eruption disturbances in the developing dentalarch.
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