Citation Information :
Juneja S, Kaur S, Rana S, Kumar A, Singh K. Knowledge, Attitude, and Practices of Healthcare Workers on the Use of Hydroxychloroquine Prophylaxis against COVID-19 Infection. J Health Sci Res 2021; 12 (2):27-30.
Introduction/aim: Coronavirus has created critical situations around the world. It became a global challenge to adopt preventive measures and start a supportive therapy. The use of hydroxychloroquine as prophylaxis was advised by the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR). In view of this recommendation, this study was planned to know the perspective of healthcare workers (HCWs) on hydroxychloroquine. The knowledge, attitude, and practice of HCWs on the use of hydroxychloroquine prophylaxis against coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19) had been assessed in this study.
Materials and methods: A validated e-questionnaire including 20 questions was shared with the HCWs via the identified WhatsApp groups as well as the official mail IDs. Data were collected online through Google forms and analyzed by using descriptive analysis.
Results: A total of 76 HCWs participated in this study, whereas 42% of them were working in COVID-19-assigned areas. Twenty-nine (38%) HCWs agreed that the standard precautions could avoid cross-transmission of COVID-19 infection but a few of them consider hydroxychloroquine prophylaxis as a standard precaution.
Conclusion: Hydroxychloroquine was advised by ICMR for COVID-19 prophylaxis; however, a small proportion of HCWs considered it as a standard precaution against COVID-19 infection along with washing hands, using a face mask, use of personal protective equipment kit, and social distancing.
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